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Информация о концепции

scene narrative > ultima vita > predicazione > visita degli asceti

Предпочитаемый термин

visita degli asceti  

Концепция более широкого понятия

Концепции более широкого понятия


  • visita dei sedici asceti


  • The Brahman teacher Bāvari sends his 16 brahmin students to the Buddha to answer questions about the goal of his teachings and how to attain the same. Each of the sixteen ascetics pays the Buddha a visit in Śrāvastī and astounded by his teachings, they eventually convert to Buddhism.


  • 3640972033

На других языках

  • английский

  • pārāyaṇa episode
  • the pārāyaṇika brāhmaṇas
  • visit of the sixteen ascetics



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