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narratives > previous births > ruru jātaka

Предпочитаемый термин

ruru jātaka  

Концепция более широкого понятия

Концепции более широкого понятия


  • Источник: Kucha Project https://kuchatest.saw-leipzig.de/iconography/

    deer saves a man from drowning in a river


  • 3523848199

Смотрите также

  • Deer rescues a man in a river, but he later betrays the deer by giving his whereabouts to the king (https://jatakastories.div.ed.ac.uk/story-clusters/deer-rescues-a-man-in-a-river-but-he-later-betrays/), Queen dreams of an unusually-coloured animal preaching the dhamma, whom a hunter is sent to kill (https://jatakastories.div.ed.ac.uk/story-clusters/queen-dreams-of-an-unusually-coloured-animal-preac/)

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