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narratives (en) > last existence (en) > predication (en) > buddha performing a miracle before ascetics (en)

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Conceitos genéricos


  • The Buddha requests three ascetic brothers who were devoted to the fire god to spend the night in the hall of the fire temple. The eldest brother allows the Buddha to stay, trusting that the snake dwelling in the temple would subjugate him. The Buddha eventually emerges unharmed from the temple with the snake lying in his alms bowl. The three ascetics brothers convert to the dharma together with their disciples.


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Em outras línguas

  • inglês

  • buddha at uruvilva
  • buddha in the fire temple
  • Fonte: Kucha Project

    conversion of the three kāśyapas by the buddha's submission of a poisonous snake in a fire shrine
  • miracle before the kāśyapas
  • miracles in front of the kaśyapa assembly
  • italiano

  • buddha a uruvilva
  • buddha nel tempio del fuoco
  • miracolo di fronte ai kāśyapa


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