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جست‌وجو در واژگان

زبان محتوا

Concept information

figure: some general features > jewels and ornaments > armlet > armlet with lobe > flat band with circles and filletted edges
... > figures > generic persons > male figure > indian type male figure > indian type ornaments > armlet > armlet with lobe > flat band with circles and filletted edges
figure: some general features > jewels and ornaments > armlet > armlet with disk > flat band with circles and filletted edges
... > figures > generic persons > male figure > indian type male figure > indian type ornaments > armlet > armlet with disk > flat band with circles and filletted edges

اصطلاح مرجح


flat band with circles and filletted edges  

مفهوم اعم (جزئی)


  • 969822501

در زبان های دیگر


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