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البحث في المفردات

لغة المحتوى

Concept information

لا يوجد مصطلح لهذا المفهوم في هذه اللغة.

narratives (en) > last existence (en) > predication (en) > offering of the two merchants (en)

المصطلح المفضل


مفهوم أوسع

مفاهيم أوسع


  • After the seven weeks of meditation and fasting that followed the Enlightenment, a trade caravan became stuck in the vicinity of the Buddha. While strong men try to make the bullocks move, the two merchants Trapuṣa and Bhallika were told by a deity/genius about the Buddha and decide to pay him a visit and bring offerings, thus becoming the first lay followers of the Buddha.


  • 274525215

بلغات أخرى

  • الإنجليزية

  • offering of the two merchants trapuṣa and bhallika
  • story of trapuṣa and bhallika
  • trapusha and balika’s food offering
  • الإيطالية

  • episodio di trapuṣa e bhallika
  • offerta da parte dei mercanti trapuṣa e bhallika


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