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البحث في المفردات

لغة المحتوى

Concept information

... > place > setting > built environment > architecture > architectural elements > column and pillar, semi-column and pilaster > components of column and pillar, semi-column and pilaster > capital > capital of the composite type, with zoomorphic element of the gandharan-persepolitan type capital on figured capital of the gandharan-corinthian type
... > place > setting > built environment > architecture > architectural elements > column and pillar, semi-column and pilaster > components of column and pillar, semi-column and pilaster > capital > capital of the composite type > capital of the composite type, with zoomorphic element of the gandharan-persepolitan type capital on figured capital of the gandharan-corinthian type
... > place > setting > built environment > architecture > architectural elements > column and pillar, semi-column and pilaster > other types of column and pillar, semi-column and pilaster > capital of the composite type > capital of the composite type, with zoomorphic element of the gandharan-persepolitan type capital on figured capital of the gandharan-corinthian type

المصطلح المفضل


capital of the composite type, with zoomorphic element of the gandharan-persepolitan type capital on figured capital of the gandharan-corinthian type  

مفاهيم أضيق (جزئية)


  • 1278850118


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